Wednesday, August 10, 2011

This and that

Okay, so I finally have internet at home, so this post shall be dedicated exclusively to posting pictures that I have taken since I have been here (which are not many but enough to fill this post up, so...yeah)Oh, and as usual, click on the picture to see a larger image if you want.
Here we go!

This was the view from my hotel in Shinjuku, If you look closely you can see Mt Fuji! This was the first time I had seen Mt. Fuji, it was always too cloudy in Tokyo when I was here last time. And even when I went to Shizuoka prefecture, where Fuji is located I hadn't seen him because it was also too cloudy then. So yay, finally. And yes, I hope to climb to the top of this kooky mountain around this time next year! (I recommend you look at the larger image of this photo if you want to see Fuji, dang dSLR does not have much of a zoom)

New Yamaguchi JET's from Group A, such a lovely bunch
As follows: Back row L-R; Jessica, Matthew (lives on my island), Ciaran (next closest neighbor), Anneli (Relatively close neighbor), and Amariah.
Front Row L-R: Our wonderful Saeki San, Emily (our wonderful 2nd year who greeted us in Tokyo), Keri (the greatest person you will ever meet), Juliann, and Sarah!

Yanai City with Ciaran and the awesome Yanai goldfish!

Here is the view from my balcony. You see that mountain, that mountain is the stinking reason why I cant have an Iphone here, no reception with the only Iphone provider. Urggghh, blasted.

This. is my bedroom.

This is my car. Name, yet to be determined.
In Japan this sucker is a huge beast. Maybe her name will be gargantuous, or something like that. Anyway, when I told my co-workers that at home I drive a ford, it pretty much blew their minds.
Japanese Co-workers: Woooooow. Ford. So Big!
(BTW, check it out, steering is on the right side brakes are on the left [kidding about that last part])
(Additional BTW, the monthly lease on this car costs more than my rent, utilities, and cellphone per month, SAY WHAT!?!?...sad reality)
More shall be discussed about my awesome car/driving at a later date.

And this cutie patootie is my little car decoration. Caught goldfish fever while in Yanai. could. not. resist.

Some lovely Oshima scenery.

So those jumbo jacks made out of concrete are supposedly to offset any potential tsunami damage...hmm seems questionable if they actually work. But(!), never fear dear readers, a tsunami striking me on Oshima is less likely than...a..well something also very unlikely. This would be because I am protected from all directions with other large islands (namely Shikoku and Kyushu) which will take the damage for me, how kind right?

Anyway, so those are some lovely images of life here on Oshima.
I'm thinking of posting an image and short caption daily either here on my blog or on a facebook album. too be determined. I suppose you will find out as it goes. So, I guess what I am trying to say is keep an eye out!!! :D

Things to look forward to in future posts:
The amazing oil disposal thing (im serious, this thing is really awesome!)
More info about my car/driving skills and some photos of the narrow roads I have to deal with.
Yanai Goldfish debauchery
And any unforeseen awesome events that are yet to occur (this blog only posts awesomness [or something like that])!

Also, check out my wonderful friend Pineapple's blog. The little sucker is hoping that his blog will be more awesome and popular than mine (doubtful [me expressing hater-tude]) Stinker even snuck his way into this blog post twice(with me and the Yanai goldfish and in the picture of my room) .But, yes he hopes that by the end of the year he will be an Oshima, maybe even Yamaguchi-ken, celebrity...we'll see how that goes. Enough rambling. (Just click the link)

(I can already tell this is shaping up to be one crazzzy year)


Paul O'Leary said...

Very very cool. It looks like you've got life set-up. How are you going with talking in Japanese yet. Still speaking much english?

I'm becoming increasingly jealous of your lifestyle at the moment. I might have to pay a visit shortly. Only a short flight away. Are you finding the food okay? different to get used to?

Bastiaan said...

Wow, the island looks really beautiful. And, no complaining about not having an iPhone. I bet it safes you tons of money and you don't really need it anyway (that's what I always say, right?). It seems like you have a nice room, good view, great car. You are set to be the best English teacher Yamasuka (I know I am wrong about that name) prefecture has seen!