Sunday, August 7, 2011


Okay, so I`ve decided two things 1) it was time to change my blog background (this is really cute so it seems fitting for Japan. and 2)I have realized that there is no point trying to have an well organized blog that flows organically, because, that is just not my blogging style and I have way too many random things to share. (maybe some day order will reach this blog) Additionally before I officially begin today`s post I would like to make a small complaint as follows: urgh fbvsuiofhnvsl! I want to be able to post some of my pictures on here, but this darn computer wont recognize my usb flashdrive, so yet again, my pictures will have to wait until I have internet at home. (go stalk my tagged photos on facebook, i think some of my friends who have internet may have uploaded some)

Anyway so things being discussed in todays blog include:
-Yamaguchi Prefecture Orientation (lectures are fun)
-Goldfishing and Neighbors
-Cockroaches (well really only one)
-Driving (E-gad)

So here we go! As mentioned above, this week has been filled with even more time consuming, in one-ear-out-the other presentations thanks to the wonderful thing that is Yamaguchi prefecture orientation, one major upside, getting off `the island`. The orientation was held in Yamaguchi City,(about a 2 hour drive from Oshima and I guess by train maybe 1.5 hour ride) the drive (thankfully my supervisor drove me so I didnt have to worry about the train) to orientation was really beautiful. If you have seen spirited away, the drive kind of reminded me of the opening sequence where Chihiro is driving through the country side with her parents and is surrounded by tons of trees, and mountains, really really beautiful.

Anyway, the actual orientation was about as informative as Tokyo orientation (meaning, not very) and in fact was pretty much the same stuff just less people and new people saying it. Yes, I have heard that it is important to be involved at my school and in my town (VILLAGE), and I have heard 10000 times that Japan has a zero tolerance for drinking and driving, etc, etc. The only presentations that were of any relative use were the ones that were given by Japanese teachers demonstrating what type of work we could expect to be doing once school starts up. Now, the nice thing is that although orientation was 2 long days of boring information was that I got to meet all the other JETs (old and new) who are also in my prefecture. And let me tell you, we seem like a pretty awesome bunch! There are about 50 JETs in total working throughout Yamaguchi (which is on the small side in terms of number of JETs) but still yet we seem to be a pretty diverse group. Aside from myself there are 2 other JETs from Hawaii, a bunch from around the US and Canada, a suprisingly large number from England, and then we have a couple JETs from South Africa, Ireland and Antigua. Age wise the group seems to range from 22-38 (give or take). Its pretty cool. So anyway, after the offical orientation program, the entire group of us had dinner at this place where it is all you can drink for 2 hours. It was pretty fun and I was able to meet a lot of the other JET`s. Afterwards some of us went out to karaoke and sang all of the besssst songs and of course had some more drinks.

When orientation was over, instead of heading back to `the island` (dun dun dun)a bunch of us who live on the Eastern side of Yamaguchi decided to spend an evening in Yanai (see map from previous post) and stayed over at Ciaran`s apartment. Most of the evening was spent playing interesting mind savvy statistical games like liars dice (as seen in Pirates of the Carribean), poker, and other less mind savvy games such as BS and me dozing off while everyone else continued to chatter away. The following morning we made some delicious french toast and wandered around Yanai admiring the massive amounts of Koi (goldfish) decorations that were everywhere around the city. As it were, Yanai is having a koi festival next weekend on the 13th and I really love those silly goldfish, so I have every intention on going back to Yanai and engaging in all sorts of goldfishing debauchary!

Saturday evening when I returned to an empty apartment after having spent 2 whole days of fun with friends was pretty hard to deal with. It was the first time since my arrival that I really began to feel lonely and isolated on the island. I went through an evil rant about how this island is the worst ever and I hated it here. And how was I rewarded??? With the companionship of a cockroach scampering around my bedroom, not exactly my preferred company. While at orientation some of the 2nd year JETs had mentioned that there was this awesome spray that was so cold (-85 celsius) that it would freeze bugs (including cockroaches) in place so you could squish them/get rid of them easily. And Lo and behold, a stroke of luck, my apartment happened to be equipped with said awesome spray. So, armed with the power of Mr.Freeze (or awesome spray, whatever it shall be called) and a running shoe I felt confident enough to take on the challenge of exterminating said pesky companion. However, as it turns out Mr.Freeze/awesome spray does not seem to work. After thoroughly dousing Mr. Cockroach with the supposed miracle spray the only thing that happened was his frenzied scurries, a failed attempt at flying, freezing for 1 second, (probably out of dumbfoundedness than the actual spray) and then scurrying into another corner of my room. Miracle Spray = Fail. And so in the end I resorted to using the flyswatter to rid myself of my unwanted companion. Moral of the story: lonliness is better than having pests, and sometimes traditional methods are the best.

Other than pest control, the rest of my weekend was devoted to practicing my driving (im determined that by next weekend I will be able to get myself off this island!)My main goals of these practice drives are to familiarize myself with the uber narrow roads and getting used to driving on the left. My driving mantra is as follows: keep left, keep left, indicators not wipers, keep left, look right then left, then right again! (ayyyyy yai yai)

In other news: I have registered to run the Tokyo marathon in Feb. participants will be determined by lottery and I will find out if I am one of the lucky ones in Oct.
Cleaning is much more difficult in a foreign country when you cannot read the purpose or instructions. Note to self just because it looks like a cleaning agent does not mean it is not really laundry detergent.

Things to look forward to in future posts: Pictures (im sure home internet will arrive sometime soon), awesome oil disposal thing (this actually is really awesome!), and uhhhh any other debauchary or unseen blunders I happen to get myself into.

Oh and 1 month until I begin teaching!!!! Yippeeee!


Ian C. said...

Good for you! Wish I could have gotten together in Hawaii to practice driving on the wrong side of the road. Coulda been fun!

Bastiaan said...


That story with the cockroach really made me laugh. I could imagine you making squeaky noises while trying to freeze that bug. I am also super happy to read that you had fun with your fellow JETs. Hope to talk to you soon!