Tuesday, March 30, 2010

short post

Today I found out that it is my last day with my current host family. Tomorrow when i am done with Orientation my new (long-term) host mom will pick me up from my current homestay. When I initially found out I would have 2 homestays I didn't really think about the emotional attachment that would form between me and my first host family. At the time I was more concerned about how I would adjust from living in one area and then suddenly moving to another part of the city. However after meeting my host family and having lived with them the past 4 days I have come to be very attached to them and will miss them very much. お母さん is very sweet to me and I really enjoy talking with her. Likewise お父さん is so funny and comedic I will really miss him. I have also grown very close to my two host sisters Tomomi and Miki and so it is really hard for me to think about leaving the family. お母さん told me it is okay to stop by and visit whenever I would like, so I plan on visiting at least a couple times a month. お父さん was very sweet and after dinner while the whole family was sitting and talking he told me that I am part of the family and that he has 3 daughters now. It is very hard for me to say goodbye to all of them.

But I must admit I am excited to live with my next homestay, but I thought it was important to share how much I will miss my current host family. Another post will be coming soon.

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