Wednesday, June 13, 2012

AEIOUy: Awesome Event In Oshima, Umm, Yay!

aka I <3 Oshima

Hello Readers!
I think most of you know that initially (and most of the time) my relationship with my JET placement in Oshima was/is pure ambivalence. As time has worn on, I can`t say that our relationship status has necessarily changed, it is still somewhat along the lines of love-hate. But the most important thing is that I have learned amongst all the drawbacks of living on a small rural island I really do love Oshima.

As my past blog posts can attest I haven`t spent a majority of my free time in Oshima. Instead on the weekends I like to get off the island to socialize with friends. And so this past weekend I aimed to remedy that by inviting as many of my ALT friends to Oshima to enjoy the beauty of the island as well as get in some socializing. This event entailed enjoying some of the most amazing/awesome things that Oshima has to offer.
The event kicked off on Saturday evening around 5:30 and raged on until around 3:00 Sunday. Here are some of the highlights.

Cafe Misaki
After everyone made the long trek across Yamaguchi, their hungry bellies were rewarded with the delicious curries available at Cafe Misaki. Cafe Misaki is one of my favorite restaurants on Oshima. The food is delicious, the owner is very friendly, and the view from the restaurant is breathtaking!

The lovely Cafe Misaki (and me too!)
P.C. of Amber Brice
At Cafe Misaki!
P.C. of Kanae

After dinner and dropping of our belongings at Matthew (Oshima`s highschool ALT) we all took a small hike up a mountain/hill to view one of the large Golden Buddha statues. Unfortunately by the time we got to the top the flood lights were turned off. But we did get a great view of all of the stars. One of the nice
things about living in the countryside, very little light pollution.
After our small hike we returned to Matthew`s to have some drinks, snacks, and gaming (Mario kart, Micheal Jackson Experience, Super Smash Brothers, nerdy card games i.e. San Juan and Dominion, and of course a riveting dirty nasty round of Never Have I Ever).
Awesome Yamaguchi ALTs!

My co-worker Kanae and her friends came too!
Oshima Nature
After a wild night of drinks and socializing Matthew and I woke our friends bright and early to enjoy some of the beauty of Oshima. Originally we had hoped to climb the wonderful Mt. Dake, but after a hard night of partying we could see many of our friends were not up for the challenge. So instead after a delicious breakfast cooked up by Matthew we piled into our cars and drove to one of the many beautiful beaches on Oshima to relax and soak up some sun.
Walking over to a nice little alcove in the bay.
Awesome ALT steph was the first brave soul to venture
into the semi-chilly water. 

 Buddha and Sculpture Garden
After enjoying the beach and hopefully getting a slight sun tan we next ventured to the super awesome Oshima Sculpture Garden and Buddha. This sight-seeing spot is tucked away on the opposite island from where Matthew and I live. I only happened to chance upon it because one of my elementary schools is located nearby. After a chance venture in March, I fell in love with the quaint ad quirky atmosphere. On the first glance it looks really traditional with the shrine and Buddha. But as you move deeper into the sculpture garden you see that it really is a quirky semi commercial semi traditional sculpture garden. Some of the more odd sculptures that can be seen in the garden are ultraman, evee (and other pokemon), as well as the Tootsie Pop owl.
Awesome ALT Erez LOVES
Oshima and the Awesome sculpture garden!
What a serene scene!

Oshima may have some faults but overall it really is a beautiful place and I am really lucky to have been placed here! Friends, please feel free to come and visit!!! There is plenty of crash space at my apartment. <3 <3 <3

In other news, I successfully managed to obtain my Japanese Drivers License in one try! Yippie!
And, in August Oshima will have a 3rd ALT! I know who she is, but I think it is still meant to be a bit of a secret, although my supervisor gave me the ok to send her a welcome email in the coming days!

Also, my uncle recently sent me an email asking how the new school year has been going (post all those crazy musical chairs school&teacher edition) and so one of my upcoming posts will likely talk about this!

Until Next Time!



Here is where I`ve started to post all (or nearly all of my photos) that don`t have space to make it into my blog posts.


Ian C. said...

Glad you're making the most of where you are. That's how to be content.

Darlo said...

Your turn to venture across the prefecture next time :-P