Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Lo Lo Lo La Lola!

You can tell I`m not particularly motivated to write a blog when I give it a uninspired title (actually I changed the title, this new title is inspired) and fill it with lots (lots) of pictures.

So, today since I am not in a particularly blog writing motivated sort of mood I figured I may as well make good on my promise from my past posts regarding `Things to Look Forward to:` and post some pictures from my trip down to Nagasaki and maybe add some commentary. So let`s have at it!

Okay, so here is a map of Japan. Note that I used high technology to illustrate my start point (Oshima) my destination (Nagasaki) and the Oregon trail that I traveled across to get to the land of milk and honey (and goldfish lanterns, wait can`t I just see those in Yanai????) Now, how about you have a guess as to how long it took me to get from the island of Awesome to the land of lanterns (distance: about 244 miles). Think about it.

Now let me relate to you a little anecdote. Yesterday I was at my Eikaiwa (adult english conversation class) and we were each taking turns talking about where we want to travel to and why. After listening to my students (?) tell me that they wanted to go to Singapore, Germany, Mt. Fuji, and America, it was my turn to tell them where I want to go. And so I said that the place I most want to visit is New Zealand,and geeking out about how lord of the rings was filmed there, the hobbit is being filmed there and it is gorgeous (not to mention I want to be a kiwi)! Anyway, maybe you are wondering what this story has to do with Nagasaki, and why I am including it in this post, well I`m getting to it so be patient. After that my students began talking about how New Zealand is really beautiful and they have nice weather (in the summer season) but then they told me, `Keri, New Zealand is so far! Maybe it is 10 hours by plane.` then pause. `But, maybe it isn`t so bad, after all it took almost 5 hours(!!!!!!!!) for you to go to Nagasaki (I had told them about my trip during our last class). But, yes. A nice 244 mile trek took me nearly 5 hours! Worst.Ever!

Anway, I guess it was worth it (see: it really was worth it but I am still bitching about the distance).

Alright, (I`m feeling a bit more blogging motivated, probably from the bitching) so it was kind of a spur of the moment idea to go to Nagasaki. A friend had clued me into the Lantern Festival and a quick glance at the google images results peeked my interest. So after about a week of debating the question `To go or not to go (that is the question)` I found out that Taylor, a girl from my prefecture was planning to go down, and also my friend Jasmine (who lives on a manini island off of Nagasaki) was also planning to make the trip. So, with that I figured why the hell not, and packed my bags, booked a hostel, and bought some train tickets.
4.5 hours later:


So that evening Taylor, and I and my new friends Joel and Larissa (ALT`s from Kumamoto) ventured around taking photos of lanterns and lit up creature like lantern things. We also ate some questionable Chinese food (to celebrate a belated Chinese New Year), visited a shady American bar with even shadier bartenders, and got lost in the pleasure district (or so I dubbed it) and ate more food.

Taylor, Larissa, and I hanging out with a deranged Panda.
(Photo courtesy of Awesome Kumamoto JET Joel)

Year of the dragon!!!!

The next morning I woke up fairly early to meet my friend Jasmine and her super awesome Nagasaki ALT friends at the train station.
But, before they could appear I saw the most AMAZING/AWESOME boy ever!

Seriously, this kid is like a quarter of my age and already 100000000 times cooler than I will ever be!

Anyway, after meeting up with Jasmine and her friends we made our way to the Nagasaki Peace Park.

This monument symbolizes the hypocenter of the bomb drop. I like the concentric circles that radiate out from the center, it was an interesting visual representation.

After meandering about the peace park we made our way over to China Town to check out all the festivities and admire the lanterns. :D

Pig heads, but why?

Am I back in Yanai?????

Jasmine and I being genki tourists in Japan!

The lanterns were really awesome, and well worth a trip (nearly 5 hours!!!!!) to Nagasaki. But the reason for a return visit: Lola!

Who is Lola? Only the most awesome amazing D-List celebrity in all of Japan!!!! After enjoying the lanterns The Awesome Nagasaki JET`s and I went to Lola`s awesome/crazy/amazing karaoke bar. Too. Much. Fun. I think you have to go there to really understand how awesome this place is! P.S. Before we left Lola gave all of us a signed headshot!!! Amaze! (It is hanging on my wall!)

The super fun Nagasaki JET`s and I enjoying Almas` and Owain`s rendition of Park Life. Nagasaki is well worth another visit just to see these awesome people again too!
(Photo courtesy of Awesome Nagasaki JET Karl)

Ali, Lola, and I. Isn`t he something.
(Photo courtesy of Awesome Nagasaki JET Ali)

1 comment:

Ian C. said...

Those places do look like you found awesomeness! Every pic I see of Jasmine I think, "what an awesome smile!" But I still don't get the connection to a trip to New Zealand...which btw, is my unofficial home since I am clearly a hobbit trapped in a tall, thin body. IF you plan on a trip there you MUST let me know as it will be the excuse I need to return to Middle-Earth.