Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Happiest Place on Earth...or something like that.

OK, so I've just gotten through with a crazy buzy (yes so busy that it deserves a z instead of an s)past couple of days and will have a little more free time to update my blog a little more often.
It's the downhill slope of my stay here. I have just over 1 month left before I leave Japan, and even though I want to go home and see everyone I really am not ready to leave.
So I've decided to set some small goals for myself (which I will proceed to share with you.)

Goals (and I'm sure there are more):
-Stay out all night in Tokyo at least once
-Visit Tsukiji Fish Market (ultra famous awesome fish market in Tokyo)
-Use the blasted Oshiri button on the toilet (at least once!)
-Spend more time with my E-pals
-Explore Tokyo more!

Anyway on to my original post.
Okay so last post I had been talking about my experience living a regular Japanese life. What I hadn't gotten around to was sharing about one aspect of the regular Tokyo Japanese lifestyle I've partaken in that most people wouldn't really think of.
What is this mystery Japanese activity you ask???
well...*trumpet noises/drumroll*
a trip to Disney!!!!
yes, as ultra american as it may sound a trip to Disney is something that most Japanese do regularly. (My host sister has gone to Disney 3 times in the past month, that's practically every weekend)
The disney park I went to however was a bit more of a foreign experience however because I went to Disney Sea. You might be wondering what the heck is Disney Sea? This is not at all an unreasonable question. I myself had no clue what a Disney Sea was until I'd been living here for almost 3 weeks (and I live only 20 mins away so clearly it's a well founded question). So let me tell you what Disney Sea is. Essentially it is a Disney park, one of two in Tokyo Japan. The other park obviously being Tokyo Disneyland. Disney Sea is also the only Disney Sea in the world, which would explain why you probably haven't heard of it.
The general set up of Disney Sea is the same as Disneyland except it is modeled after 7 "ports of call" as they call, or sea ports as I like to call it (since I dont know what a port of call is [maybe it's a seaport, I dont know]). This follows the same basic set up of Disneyland's 7 lands. SO Disney Sea as its name suggests is nautically theme, but NOT a water park. Anyway I'm not going to go on forever about what is DIsney sea, instead I'll share a little about my experience there (pics included!)
Okay so, my host sister and I decided to go to Disney Sea together because she loves Disney and I have never been to Disney Sea and I really wanted to spend time with her. We got on the 7:00am train so we could be at the park and wait in the long queue for the park to open (at 9:00). Since it was a rainy day that meant that there were shorter lines aka less wait time and since it was just drizzling it was a fine trade off. We ended up staying almost all day at the park, from 9am until 7:30 pm.

Julie and I on the Disney train

Iconic Image of Disney Sea

Julie and I waiting in line for Indiana Jones Crystal Skull ride (only 5 min wait!!!)

Crazy genie on the "sinbad's seven seas story" ride (kind of like It's a small world but cooler and with a catchier song)

Arabian Coast (themed after the movie Aladdin, but you will not find Aladdin or Jasmine here, they live at Tokyo Disney)

Mermaid lagoon (modeled after The little Mermaid you will find Ariel here, but only during specific hours-when she's not at Tokyo Disneyland)

This is what is inside the mermaid castle (blurry pic, but to give you an idea)

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